Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Indian Creek Company

This spring we also participated in the Selma Reenactment once again. This year, though, we embarked on a new adventure in Civil War Reenacting. We have always portrayed civilians of one sort or another, but never have we attempted the shopkeeper. When the sponsors contacted us to see if we would be interested in creating an authentic sutler set-up, we could not resist. My mom and dad set about constructing the store itself and making whatever leather goods and clothing they had time to make and I set about creating authentic labels and products often found in traveling sutleries following the armies.
The process was extremely time consuming, but the result was rewarding. Scores of people came through and not only bought things, but were also interested in learning what the shops following the army actually carried. I helped Daddy "keep" the shop and the rest of the family did their normal thing. We had some old friends there with their children. They were about the same age as ours, so the kids had a great time.

A few weeks later, William and I went with Pop to Tannehill State Park for the reenactment. We had a great time, especially William and me getting to stay in the camper at night. Someone else there had some paper latterns like the ones in Tangled, the movie, that they let go each night.

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