Monday, February 14, 2011

You are 1 1/2

You are a climber. You think you can talk, but only occasionally do real words come out and they are usually whole sentences. You are daring and strong. You are very good at moving around and climbing without falling. You love to suck your thumb. You love your Mommy and love when Daddy gets home each day. You love to play with William and Lily. You think it is fun to follow them around. You love to be held close and sometimes don't want to go to nursery. You can say a few words well-Uhhu, Mama, Dada, Bye, and various other random words. You made up your own sign language for "I love you." You cup your hands and knock them together to say I love you. You love to pay games with people and to wrestle with Dad. You have just started to be interested in books. Your favorite book right now is :Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumbs" by Dr. Seuss. You like to copy sounds. You like to try and run away from people. You like to sing and hum. You love to laugh. You have a very big smile that is contagious. You love your family! We love you! You are 1 and a half!

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